Friday, August 15, 2008

We Are Family

It's been two weeks since we returned from our 1st annual family vacation-at-the-beach, and it was an unforgettable week! I'm just now catching my breath after catching up at my J-O-B, getting Sara back in school, yada yada yada. You really can't take a week off; you just work twice as much the week before and after! Hey wait, that means I need to get paid for another 40 hours ...somewhere ...hmmm?

The attendees were (in order of beauty): Celia, Debra, Lana, Judy, Keven (okay, not in order of beauty!), Fumiko, Terry, Jimmy, Merry King, Rachael, Oliver, Grace, Justin, Sara, Tiffany, Jessica, Lucas, David, and Benjamin! I think that's it - 19 people in 6 bedrooms. It was awesome, really it WAS! We had some much fun and so many laughs! Lots of good weather, good food, good reading...just plain GOOD! I think everyone really relaxed & felt no pressure to do anything or BE anything they didn't want. Which was the purpose entirely.
We sang and danced,
We played Quiddler...a lot...

We ate, and ate,

We slept,

It was a great week with a lot of good memories (nice boxers, Justin! Nice splotches, Debra!) Anyway, if you can only go on one large family vacation in a lifetime, I'd say this was it! I'm so grateful for the time we had together...maybe the stars will align and we'll be able to do it again...